Top 5 IntelliJ plugins to boost your productivity

Karthikeyan Thiyagarajan
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


IntelliJ IDEA

I always feel happy when working on my projects using IntelliJ IDEA . First of all, it makes me productive and does a lot in a short time. Providing me with all the features and tools I need to finish more effectively. And it comes complete with excellent code tips and amazing plugins.

Intellij Idea
Intellij Idea

IntelliJ IDEA Plugins

1. Json2Pojo

Allows for easy creation of Java POJOs from JSON, with GSON annotations and accessors. Once installed, just right-click on the destination package and choose “New -> Generate POJOs from JSON”, then enter in your root class name and source JSON text.

2. Jump to Line

The Jump to Line plugin allows you to get to any line of code while debugging. Drag and drop a yellow arrow to the desired place in the gutter, and it will put an execution point there. In contrast to stepping, the plugin enables you to start running your program from that point without executing the preceding code.

Jumping to lines is possible both forward and backward within a function. Jump to line highlights the lines suitable for jumps in green. Making changes to some lines may break the workflow. That’s why the IDE will highlight any risky lines in yellow. You can still move to them, but you should first consider the possible inconsistencies that may result.

3. SonarLint

SonarLint is a free IDE extension to find and fix bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells as you write code! Like a spell checker, SonarLint highlights issues on the fly and provides quick fixes or clear remediation guidance to help you clean the code before it is even committed. With support for several popular and classic languages, SonarLint helps developers of all experience and skill levels write efficient, safe code.

4. JPA Buddy

JPA Buddy provides an easy start for new developers and speeds up the development process for more experienced ones. It also guides both kinds of developers to follow the best practices of working with JPA. Use visual designers and rich code generation capabilities to make it easier to work with Hibernate, EclipseLink, Spring Data JPA, MapStruct, Lombok, Liquibase and Flyway.

5.Maven Helper

Easy way for analyzing and excluding conflicting dependencies, Actions to run/debug maven goals for a module that contains the current file or on the root module, Action to open terminal at the current maven module path, Actions to run/debug the current test file.



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